External Qigong, also referred to in the West as Therapeutic Touch, is taught in nursing programs throughout the United States and the world.
More than a hundred colleges an universities in the US and Canada teach TT. It is promoted by many professional nursing organizations. An American Hospital survey conducted in 2005 noted that about 30% of 1400 responding hospitals offered therapeutic touch. Thousands of health care professionals, mostly nurses, have learned TT worldwide. Many nonprofessionals have also learned the technique.
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The QiGong Institute medical research database is a wonderful gift to the world, providing research abstracts on much of the medical research done worldwide on tai chi and qigong. The QiGong Institute's survey of existing medical research found that standard medical treatments that had QiGong added, were more effective than standard treatments alone.
Also, WorldTaiChiDay.org collects popular media publications announcing research on these topics. See below.
Also, enjoy an article on scientific research on External Qigong Measurement using chystallography & theory of fractals.
To test the efficacy of Qi-therapy (external Qigong) in improving symptoms of pain and mood states in elderly peoples with chronic pain ... findings suggest that Qi-therapy may help the elderly cope with pain and associated mood disturbances.
Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207450590901378
Heart-rate variability (HRV) was compared in 40 subjects receiving external Qi-therapy (QT) or placebo control therapy, in a randomized placebo controlled design experiment ...
findings suggest that QT stabilizes the sympathovagal function more than placebo therapy.
Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207450590934543
Pilot trial of 10 women with severe FMS who experienced significant improvement after external qigong therapy (EQT) ...
Conclusions: Treatment with EQT resulting in complete recovery for some FMS patients suggests that TCM may be very effective for treating pain and the multiplicity of symptoms associated with FMS. Larger controlled trials of this promising intervention are urgently needed.
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Therapeutic Touch (TT) is a technique in which the hands are used to direct human energy for healing purposes. There is usually no actual physical contact.