WorldTaiChiDay.ORG is one of the world's leading sources for Medical Research on Tai Chi and Qigong, and how it benefits a host of maladies and health issues.
- Medical Research
- Scroll down (near bottom of page), or "click here" to go directly to our Medical Research Library, to find links to medical research articles on nearly 100 common health issues, to help you and your loved ones learn how Tai Chi or Qigong can help "high blood pressure," "ADHD," "depression," "chronic pain," "type 2 diabetes," "heart disease," "arthritis," etc. Tai Chi Medical Research Library, another free service from BUT, WE ENCOURAGE YOU to scroll down and enjoy the below fascinating data, information, and videos.
- Did you know that the Director-General of the United Nations' World Health Organization advocated Tai Chi? Click to read her statement.
- Tai Chi... might well be called medication in motion ... [because of] growing evidence Tai Chi has value in treating or preventing many health problems. -- Harvard Medical Health Publication
- Forward this page to every PHYSICIAN you know!
- Recent research showed that Tai Chi was a more effective Stroke Rehabilitation therapy than the U.S. Medicare covered SilverSneakers Program. It is increasingly apparent that U.S. Medicare and private insurers should cover Tai Chi and Qigong, to reduce our nation's health costs. Our Tai Chi Medical Research Library enabled Australian Tai Chi teacher, Rod Ferguson, to create a proposal that resulted in his Australian State government's funding of a senior services program for Tai Chi for seniors as a way to lower their nation's future health costs.
- University of California at Irvine Tai Chi and Qigong Research Director on Evidence-Based Tai Chi & Qigong Therapy.
- Harvard researcher and best-selling author of "The Relaxation Response"
- Dr. Herbert Benson, explains how Mind-Body practices like Tai Chi and Qigong more effectively treat 60 to 90% of health issues than drug or surgical therapies.
- World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founders Tour Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Tai Chi Research Center
- Professor, William Tsang, offers brilliant insights on Tai Chi medical research protocals and possibilities.
Did you know
Dr. Oz wholeheartedly endorses energy medicine
Reiki is a highly effective derivation of External Qigong, where the practitioner allows Ki (Qi in Chinese) to flow through their hands into the receiving patient or client. If you would like to experience your own flow of Ki, or Qi (life energy), view the video below Dr. Oz's clip, where WTCQD's Founder will lead you through a Qigong meditation that will enable you to "feel your Qi".