Tai Chi and Qigong have been characterized as mind-body interventions and as “meditative movements.” They are relatively safe, nonpharmacologic practices, which can be used for treatment and prevention of psychosomatic disorders, with few adverse events reported in the literature.
-- National Institutes of Health, 2013
The existing data indicates that the TC provides positive psychological benefits to its practitioners including children, teenagers, young adults, older adults, and those with a variety of chronic health conditions. These psychological benefits are reported to include reductions in mood disturbances, sadness, anger, and confusion, as well as improvements in sleep quality, mood states, happiness and overall psychological well-being. In conclusion, the literature suggests that TC is a valuable method by which to enhance or maintain a healthy state of psychological functioning for a variety of populations. Hindawi - Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, 2011
A study examined the physiological benefits of Tai Chi exercises and the results suggest that Tai Chi is effective for psychological relaxation and mental concentration.
-- Journal of Physiology and Anthropology Applied Human Science, 22, 219-25
Thirty college students participated in a 1-hour-long Tai Chi exercise intervention twice a week for 3 months.
The results were that physical measures of pain and general health, and mental measures of vitality and mental health were significantly improved after Tai Chi. Scores on the mental health dimension appeared to be particularly sensitive to change.
-- American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 32, 453-9
MENTAL HEALTH. The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, conducted studies to see how QiGong practice would affect mental health. The result was that a group that had practiced QiGong for over two years had a curative rate on symptoms of psychosomatic disorders about twice as high as a QiGong group practicing less than two years.
MENTAL HOMEOSTASIS: Pscyhological homeostasis refers to emotional control or tranquility. It has been stated that the biological function of human emotion and repression is primarily homeostatic. Evidence suggests that a feedback relationship exists between forms of homeostasis, and the body-mind type of therapies (including acupuncture and T'ai Chi) thus have a combined physiological, physical, and psychological effect. (American Psychological Association) American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1981 Spr Vol 9 (1) 1-14
Harvard Medical School Releases Historic
Tai Chi Medical Research Lecture to Commemorate
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!
The new Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi is a powerful reference book for all tai chi and qigong advocates, teachers, etc., and the guide cites WorldTaiChiDay.org's expansion of global awareness of tai chi and qigong!
* NOTE: World Tai Chi & Qigong Day advises consulting your physician before beginning any new exercise, herbal, diet, or health program. The research listed here is meant to stimulate a discussion between you and your physician, health insurance carrier, etc., not as medical advise. Research and comments provided here are hoped to stimulate a more robust discussion of powerful natural mind/body health tools.
Check for World Tai Chi & Qigong Day articles on various health conditions and Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) Therapy, that you may publish on your publication or website, by clicking here.
Any re-printed information from this website, MUST include a live link to http://www.worldtaichiday.org
I recently found an article I wanted to seek your permission as author for our Newsletter Committee to summarise its contents and publish an article in our non-profit newsletter.
The Schizophrenia Fellowship of Queensland compiles a bi-monthly newsletter with a variety of information about mental health issues. The Schizophrenia Fellowship is a not-for-profit and we send our newsletter in print form only to approximately 850 members throughout Queensland.
I thought it would be a very useful article to talk about the health benefits of Tai Chi, particularly its role in helping to lower anxiety levels.
Popular media, health media, and government must increase attention to stunning emerging research, including the UCLA study indicating Tai Chi participants enjoyed a 50% increase in immune system resistance to viral infection.
Many of these health listings are provided courtesy of excerpts from