Were you aware that aspirin's pain reduction benefits are due to aspirin's ability to increase microcirculation? The warming of the tissue caused by increased circulation reduces pain. Were you aware that Qigong and Tai Chi greatly improve microcirculation? In doing so they may offer the pain management benefits of drugs, without the aggravating, irritating side-effects.
Another non-drug strategy that may be useful for relieving several kinds of pain is Tai Chi. This exercise regimen consists of a series of postures that are performed in a set sequence. You move in a flowing motion from one posture to the next while centering your mind by focusing on an area just below the navel, described by practitioners as the body's storage point for chi (energy). On the physical side, practice enhances balance, coordination, flexibility, muscle strength, and stamina. On the mental side, tai chi helps to relieve stress, improves body awareness, and reduces social isolation when done in a group setting. Emerging research shows that tai chi has many positive attributes for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, tension headache, and other painful conditions.
Read entire Harvard Health article ...
-- Pain Relief Outside the Pill Bottle,
Harvard Health Publication, June, 2012
Mind-body. You can soothe achy joints and improve mobility with mind-body techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, meditation, tai chi and guided imagery. A recent study from Korea found that tai chi is significantly beneficial for controlling pain and improving physical function in people who have osteoarthritis in the knee. For details about various options, consult the Arthritis Foundation's guide to alternative and natural therapies.
Read entire iVillage article ...
-- iVillage, June, 2012 - Beyond Aspirin: How to Ease Pain When You Have Arthritis
1. Jp erosch, J., & Wustner, P. (2002). [Effect of a sensorimotor training program on patients with subacromial pain syndrome]. Unfallchirurg JID - 8502736, 105(1), 36-43.
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2. Jin, P. (1902). Theoretical perspectives on a form of physical and cognitive exercise Tai Chi. Davidson, Graham (Ed), (1994), Lessons-Oceania