immunity and Tai Chi &
qigong ... Also, see
"covid 19"
In addition to the below IMMUNITY
be sure to view our "COVID 19"
Tai Chi for the elderly patients
with COVID-19 in recovery period [UPCOMING STUDY]
Background: Tai Chi has a positive impact on heart
function, blood pressure, lung function, immunity, etc. It can
enhance cardiopulmonary function, increase the elasticity of
blood vessels, and improve the body's self-regulation
function. For the elder patients with COVID-19, Tai Chi has
outstanding merits.
Conclusion: The conclusion of
this study will provide evidence to prove the safety and
effectiveness of Tai Chi on elderly COVID-19 patients during
the recovery period.
-- NIH (National Institutes of Health)
The Chinese exercise practice of
Tai-Chi can significantly boost the body's immune system
response to virus infection and may, in particular, help ward
off painful shingles outbreaks in older people, a new study
has found.
qigong may give your immune system a
little extra help. A review of several studies found that
qigong had a noticeable impact on immune functioning. It
increased levels of certain immune cells in people who
practiced it regularly
Several studies evaluated the effect of Tai Chi in
patients with a variety of physical conditions including
They concluded that daily practice has
been linked to stimulating the immune system ... ...
practitioners of Chinese Medicine have treated most human
ailments – whether physical, mental or emotional – as
imbalances and interruptions of qi.
For example, an
excessive flow of qi might result in high blood pressure. A
deficiency of qi might result in anemia or auto-immune
-- PANCAN (Pancreatic Cancer News)
The Effects of Tai Chi Chih on Immunity
and Sleep ...
Tai Chi Chih not only calms the mind
but also promotes healthy aging by improving viral immunity
and sleep quality. The study conducted by Dr. Michael R.
Irwin ...
Studying the brains of tai chi masters may
shed light on diseases of the young and the symptoms of the
old ... in a joint Stanford University-Lucile Packard
Children’s Hospital study that examined the ability of tai chi
masters to control normally autonomous functions through
concentration ...
[TAI CHI] is widely recognized for
its contribution to general health and wellness. Medical
research has linked it with improvements in a range of mental
and physical measures, from cognition to cardiovascular and
immune function... tai chi effectively lowers the rate of
“oxidative stress,” a process described ... in a recent
interview as “rusting, like the Tin-man in the Wizard of Oz”
(Jefferson Kimmel Cancer Center 2011).
Oxidative stress
is a significant metric for characterizing the extent of aging
in a person’s body
Regular tai chi chuan exercise enhances
functional mobility and CD4CD25 regulatory T cells
In this study, a regular programme of TCC lasting 60 minutes
three times a week for 12 weeks significantly enhanced
functional mobility and increased regulatory T cells and the
regulatory mediators TGFβ and IL10. This research is the first
to show that regular optimal exercise can increase regulatory
T cells and augment regulatory T cell mediators in middle aged
adults. Further studies to optimise the intensity and duration
of TCC for better functional mobility and immunity regulation
are needed ...
Now we see that TCC may increase TGFβ
production. This suggests that a TCC programme may improve
mucosal defence leading to a lower risk of autoimmune and
inflammatory disorders in adults. It is not clear why regular
TCC for 12 weeks decreased monocytes in this study. This
warrants further investigation ...
Practicing Tai Chi Boosts Immune System In
Older Adults
The 25-week study, which involved a
group of 112 adults ranging in age from 59 to 86, showed that
practicing tai chi chih alone boosted immunity to a level
comparable to having received the standard vaccine against the
shingles-causing varicella zoster virus. When tai chi chih was
combined with the vaccine, immunity reached a level normally
seen in middle age. The report appears in the April issue of
the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, currently
Practicing Tai Chi boosts immunity to shingles virus
Researchers found that prior to the vaccine only the Tai Chi
group showed an increased shingles immunity. After the
vaccine, both groups showed a boost in immunity levels but the
Tai Chi group's increase was almost double that of the control
group -- in fact, the Tai Chi group's shingles immunity was as
good as those of adults 30 years younger.
-- Boston Globe,, April 2007
A 2012 University of Wisconsin, Madison, study found
that mindful meditation can cut your chances of catching a
cold by 40 to 50%. Fifty-one people using mindfulness
techniques logged 13 fewer illnesses and 51 fewer sick days
than a control group during one cold and flu season.
University of Virginia study found that their varsity swim
team swimmers got 70% fewer respiratory infections when
practicing Qigong at least once a week, compared to swimmers
who used it less.
-- Prevention Magazine's
Winter/2012 Issue.
Tai chi is found to augment the immune response
Tai chi alone induced an increase in varicella cell-mediated
immunity that was comparable in magnitude with that induced by
the varicella vaccine alone. The combination of tai chi and
vaccine resulted in a substantially higher cell-mediated
immunity than the vaccine alone.
Entire article at
"Tai Chi Research"
Tai chi boosts your immune system
(T-Cell count
The ancient martial art of tai chi could
substantially boost the body's immune system. Medisch Dossier
(volume 6, number 7), a Dutch medical newsletter, reports on a
study where a group of older men and women (average age of 70)
practiced tai chi three days a week for 45 minutes. After
fifteen weeks they not only felt healthier, but had twice the
number of immune cells or so-called T-cells “with memories”,
which are specially equipped to knock out the virus that
causes shingles—an affliction in many older people.
- Ode Magazine
A new study indicates that Tai Chi practiced three times
per week may boost people resistence to viruses by 50%. This
study was regarding the shingles virus in particular but the
researchers believe Tai Chi may have a powerful effect in
raising resistence to other types of infection as well.
Tai Chi
had a significant effect on functional mobility and beliefs
about the health benefits of exercise. Total white blood cell
and red blood cell count did not change, but a significant
decrease in monocyte count occurred. A significant increase in
the ratio of T helper to suppressor cells (CD4:CD8) was found,
along with a significant increase in CD4CD25 regulatory T
-- British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40,
conducted in China indicates that T'ai Chi may increase the
number of T lymphocytes in the body. Also know as T-Cells,
these lymphocytes help the immune system destroy bacteria and
possibly even tumor cells
Prevention Magazine V. 42, May 90, p.14-15
Immune System Improvement:
Regular Tai
Chi Chuan exercise improves T cell helper function of patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus with an increase in T-bet
transcription factor and IL-12 production.
study investigated the effect of a 12-week course of Tai Chi
Chuan (TCC) exercise on T cell helper (Th) reaction in
patients with type 2 DM.
exercise programme decreases HbA1c levels along with an
increase in the Th1 reaction. A combination of TCC with
medication may provide an even better improvement in both
metabolism and immunity of patients with type 2 DM.
Tai Chi had a significant effect on functional mobility
and beliefs about the health benefits of exercise. Total white
blood cell and red blood cell count did not change, but a
significant decrease in monocyte count occurred. A significant
increase in the ratio of T helper to suppressor cells
(CD4:CD8) was found, along with a significant increase in
CD4CD25 regulatory T cells.
-- British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 40, 239-43
A study conducted in China indicates that T'ai Chi may
increase the number of T lymphocytes in the body. Also know as
T-Cells, these lymphocytes help the immune system destroy
bacteria and possibly even tumor cells
Prevention Magazine V. 42, May 90, p.14-15
Tai chi boosts your immune system (T-Cell count
The ancient martial art of tai chi could
substantially boost the body's immune system. Medisch Dossier
(volume 6, number 7), a Dutch medical newsletter, reports on a
study where a group of older men and women (average age of 70)
practiced tai chi three days a week for 45 minutes. After
fifteen weeks they not only felt healthier, but had twice the
number of immune cells or so-called T-cells “with memories”,
which are specially equipped to knock out the virus that
causes shingles—an affliction in many older people.
- Ode Magazine
Practicing Tai Chi Boosts Immune System in Older
Adults, UCLA Study Shows
The 25-week study, which
involved a group of 112 adults ranging in age from 59 to 86,
showed that practicing tai chi chih alone boosted immunity to
a level comparable to having received the standard vaccine
against the shingles-causing varicella zoster virus.
The findings demonstrate that tai chi chih can produce a
clinically relevant boost in shingles immunity and add to the
benefit of the shingles vaccine in older adults.
are exciting findings, because the positive results of this
study also have implications for other infectious diseases,
like influenza and pneumonia," said Irwin, who is also
director of the UCLA Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology.
The study divided individuals into two groups. Half took
tai chi chih classes three times a week for 16 weeks, while
the other half attended health education classes [classes
lasted 40 minutes, a set of 20 tai chi exercises] — including
advice on stress management, diet and sleep habits — for the
same amount of time and did not practice tai chi chih. After
16 weeks, both groups received a dose of the shingles vaccine
Varivax. At the end of the 25-week period, the tai chi chih
group achieved a level of immunity two times greater than the
health education group. The tai chi chih group also showed
significant improvements in physical functioning, vitality,
mental health and reduction of bodily pain.
A 2012 University of Wisconsin, Madison, study found
that mindful meditation can cut your chances of catching a
cold by 40 to 50%. Fifty-one people using mindfulness
techniques logged 13 fewer illnesses and 51 fewer sick days
than a control group during one cold and flu season.
University of Virginia study found that their varsity swim
team swimmers got 70% fewer respiratory infections when
practicing Qigong at least once a week, compared to swimmers
who used it less.
-- Prevention Magazine's
Winter/2012 Issue.
Tai Chi
Boosts Immunity, Improves Physical Health in Seniors
In what is believed to be the first study of its kind
conducted in the United States, researchers at the University
of California, Los Angeles have shown that behavioral
interventions and integrative exercise programs such as tai
chi can have a direct, positive effect on the immune system in
older adults. Published in the September/October issue of
Psychosomatic Medicine, the study found that prolonged use of
a specific form of tai chi appeared to boost the immune
system's response to a common virus, and could help ward off
outbreaks of a painful, debilitating skin condition that
occurs in the elderly population.
In the TCC group,
there was a "robust increase" levels of memory T-cells in the
blood. On average, the scientists found "a nearly 50 percent
increase" of varicella virus responder cells in TCC patients
from the start of the study to the one-week post-TCC period.
On a patient-by-patient basis, levels of memory T-cells
increased in nine TCC patients, remained unchanged in seven
patients and decreased in one patient. In the control group,
memory T-cell levels increased in three patients, were
unchanged in eight patients and decreased in five patients.
-- ACUPUNCTURE TODAY, Nov. 11, 2003
T-Cell Production:
A study
conducted in China indicates that T'ai Chi may increase the
number of T lymphocytes in the body. Also know as T-Cells,
these lymphocytes help the immune system destroy bacteria and
possibly even tumor cells.
Prevention Magazine,
1990, Vol 42, May Issue, Pages 14-15
Since 1984, collecting breaking medical/science research on
Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Mind-Body Education
Click here
for Qigong Institute Database...
Effect of integrated yoga
practices on immune responses in examination stress –
A preliminary study
Stress is often associated with an
increased occurrence of autonomic, cardiovascular, and immune
system pathology.
-- NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Yoga and immune system functioning: a systematic
review of randomized controlled trials
this, yoga practice may exert further beneficial effects by
enhancing cell-mediated and mucosal immunity.
NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Yoga could slow the harmful effects of stress and
Stress accounts for between 60% and
80% of visits to primary care doctors. Chronic stress has been
linked to accelerated biological aging, and increased chronic
inflammation and oxidative stress, ...
yoga’s effects on stress ... In an exploratory study
published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity,
researchers found that 12 weeks of yoga slowed cellular aging.
meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials ...
In conclusion,
across 20 RCTs and more than 1600 participants, we found
tentative evidence that mindfulness meditation modulates some
select immune parameters in a manner that suggests a more
salutogenic immune profile. Specifically, mindfulness
mediation appears to be associated with reductions in
proinflammatory processes, increases in cell-mediated defense
parameters, and increases in enzyme activity that guards
against cell aging.
-- NIH (National Institutes of Health)
How Mindfulness Training Can Boost Your Immune
System ...
There are now copious amounts of
evidence that training the immune system through stress
reduction can be done through practicing what some have called
mind-body medicine. Under this heading are a number of
techniques that can, when practiced over time, have calming
effects for the mind and spirit as well as anti-inflammatory
effects ...
-- Cleveland Clinic
* NOTE: World Tai Chi & Qigong Day advises
consulting your physician before beginning any new exercise,
herbal, diet, or health program. The research listed here is
meant to stimulate a discussion between you and your
physician, health insurance carrier, etc., not as medical
advise. Research and comments provided here are hoped to
stimulate a more robust discussion of powerful natural
mind/body health tools. Popular media, health media, and
government must increase attention to stunning emerging
research, including the UCLA study indicating Tai Chi
participants enjoyed a 50% increase in immune system
resistance to viral infection.
- To learn more about tai chi & qigong medical research,
see the below book,
"the complete idiot's guide to tai chi & qigong,", and also
"Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi," and
"The way of qigong: the art and science of chinese energy healing."
Click to purchase this acclaimed best-selling Tai Chi book, with nearly 150 web-video support videos for the detailed text/illustration instruction as a "gift of health" for loved ones.
A new paradigm in multi-media educational books.
"Visionary! If you only buy one book on T'ai Chi, then this
is the book. This book is all you ever needed to know to
change your life. I have taught T'ai Chi for several decades
myself, yet I have now read Bill's book from cover to cover
seven times, and still get something new from it each time."
– Dr. Michael Steward Sr., D.MA, Ph.D., MA, Senior
Coach for Team USA, Inductee of the World Sports Medicine and
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
"Sometimes Chinese
culture can be difficult to explain. Sifu Bill Douglas
successfully uses American culture to explain the art of T'ai
Chi Chuan. He simplifies difficult concepts, making them
easier to understand. This book takes the best parts of T'ai
Chi and makes them understandable [to Westerners] without
requiring a grounding in Chinese culture and history."
– Sifu Yijiao Hong, USA All-Tai Chi Grand Champion and USA
Team member; Certified International Coach and Judge,
International Wushu Federation
"Douglas has
achieved for QiGong what Apple did for the computer. He's
brought it to the people … great place to start for beginners.
… Teachers may also find this an excellent manual 'on how to
explain these concepts to the general public…'"
– R.
"The Tao of Tai Chi: The Making of a New Science" (now available in both English and Spanish))
Harvard's Dr. Peter Wayne discusses Tai Chi, Qigong and Bio-Energy with Neuro-biologist, Dr. Richard Hammerschlag,
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's series of Official ONLINE
SUMMITS, have brought some of the top minds in Tai Chi, Qigong,
and cutting edge scientists researching Mind-Body practices.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's global health education work was
recognized on page 25 of "The Harvard Medical School Guide to
Tai Chi" ...
A reflection of how successful the invasion
has been is World Tai Chi Day, organized by Bill Douglas. One of
the purposes of this day is ‘to bring together people across
racial, economic, religious, and geo-political boundaries, to
join together for the purpose of health and healing, providing
an example to the world.' Millions of people around the world –
65 nations participated in 2011 – gather one day each year to
celebrate the health and healing benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong.
— The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi (page 25)
Harvard Medical School Researchers Launch 'Tai Chi as Therapy' Lecture to Commemorate World Tai Chi Day
The new Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi is a powerful
reference book for all tai chi and qigong advocates, teachers,
etc. The Harvard Guide cites's work in
expanding global awareness of tai chi and qigong!
efforts have exposed over ONE BILLION potential viewers/readers
of mass media to Tai Chi and Qigong and its myriad health
benefits, via our annual WTCQD worldwide events.